Becoming For You: striving ahead against the Pandemic
The Covid-19 requires no introduction as even a toddler can pronounce the word. The pandemic has rapidly changed the lifestyle of every individual, especially towards the online lifestyle and the shift is likely to remain even after the post-pandemic or the ‘new normal.’
However, the crisis has also presented new opportunities amongst E-commerce businesses and with that ‘Becoming For You,’ a global apparel and clothing distributor is strategically striving against the rapid currents of the pandemic. Countries under lockdown and quarantine measures mean that retail shops are on complete halt, this also increases the individuals time spent on the internet more than usual, a survey conducted in Britain showed that young adults between 18–24 spent the longest time online, averaging five hours and four minutes every day, that also just alone in Britain.
Now imagine the scenario on a global level, the silver lining to this is that majority of the valuable customers to Becoming For You are from that age group as well, this shoots up the traffic for all E-commerce businesses and definitely sheds light towards Becoming For You.
Although, the logistics and shipments have been drastically minimized and has become even more stringent for safety measures, Becoming For You has been however been backed up by various top logistic companies and the worldwide coverage has not been affected. Having warehouses in the US, Canada, Europe, China, Australia and others, the ordered items from valuable customers has ensured to arrive within weeks with accurate tracking of an order making sure that the valuable customer’s needs are being met.
Like so many parts of life, Covid-19 has upended the ways people shop. As a result, Becoming For You is pivoting towards online channels and strategic marketing ideas daily to reach out to their customers in a meaningful way.